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Building A Brain in 10 Minutes


Sep 18 2024, Wednesday - Sep 27 2024, FridaySee Schedule below for times (GMT +8:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore





The notebook explores the biological inspiration for early neural networks.

Topics Covered

  • AI Data

  • Neurons

  • TensorFlow 2

Course Description & Learning Outcomes

About this Course - This notebook explores the biological and psychological inspirations to the world's first neural networks.

Learning Objectives:

- The goals of this exercise include:

- Exploring how neural networks use data to learn.

- Understanding the math behind a neuron.


Start Date: 18 Sep 2024, Wednesday
End Date: 27 Sep 2024, Friday

Self-paced Course About this Course - This notebook explores the biological and psychological inspirations to the world's first neural networks. Learning Objectives: - The goals of this exercise include: - Exploring how neural networks use data to learn. - Understanding the math behind a neuron.

Location: Online

Skills Covered

Beginner: Introduce the subject matter without the need to have any prerequisites.
Proficient: Requires learners to have prior knowledge of the subject.
Expert: Involves advanced and more complex understanding of the subject.

  • Systems Tool Kit (STK) (Proficiency level: Beginner)