Presented by Invest in Denmark and SGInnovate with SEAS as a supporting partner. CCUS is a key enabler of deep decarbonisation of the hard-to-abate sectors like transportation, agriculture, and heavy industries. This webinar convenes a group of experts from Denmark to share insights into Denmark’s experience with CCUS.
CCUS is a key enabler of deep decarbonisation of the hard-to-abate sectors like transportation, agriculture, and heavy industries. “While the EU is quickly turning the page on fossil fuels, carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) projects remain building blocks on our way to climate neutrality……European support for CCUS has grown over the years……Europe’s green transition requires safe and sustainable CCUS to reduce CO₂-emissions from hard-to-abate and energy-intensive industry processes, and to remove carbon from the atmosphere. With renewable energy as the pillar of our energy transition and CCUS technologies to complement this transition, we can create new business opportunities and make both the European energy system and economy more resilient. “ - Frans Timmermans, Executive Vice-President, European Commission CCUS is still a relatively immature and costly technology. Denmark and other countries are aiming to make CCUS a viable solution to meet global climate ambitions. CCUS is a core technology in the Danish green transition and the Danish ecosystem has unique conditions for capturing, utilising, and storing CO₂, benefiting from the strong political support and societal acceptance. Denmark has experience across the entire CCUS value chain; from highly efficient combined heat and power plants, waste-to-energy facilities, and an energy-efficient industry, to a strong transport sector, district heating grids for utilisation of excess heat, and cutting-edge technology providers. A national strategy fostering forward-looking framework conditions has been launched to pave the way for development. Denmark also boasts a world-known track record for research and development, helping new industries well underway. Singapore has carried out research on several promising low-carbon technologies, including CCUS. Preliminary findings show that the potential for CCUS to reduce Singapore’s emissions in the long term, especially those in the industrial and power sectors, is significant. Singapore is working to develop research, development and demonstration initiatives and facilitate the cost-effective application of carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS). This webinar convenes a group of experts from Denmark to share insights into Denmark’s experience with CCUS, including the national CCUS strategy, current developments, opportunities and challenges. It will also show how Denmark is geared to reap the benefits of CCUS, and how the international efforts can drive the green transition globally by working together. Agenda: 4:30pm (SGT) / 9:30am (CET): Start of event – SGInnovate to welcome attendees with a short introduction to SGI 4:35pm (SGT) / 9:35am (CET): Opening remarks by Assar Qureshi, Director of Asia, Invest in Denmark (IDK) 4:45pm (SGT) / 9:45am (CET): Presentation by Henrik Sulsbrück, Head of Division CCUS, Danish Energy Agency (DEA) 5:00pm (SGT) / 10:00am (CET): Presentation by Michael Stie Laugesen, Program Manager, CO2Vision 5:15pm (SGT) / 10:15am: Fireside chat with Assar Qureshi, Henrik Sulsbrück and Michael Stie Laugesen 5:45pm (SGT) / 10:45am (CET): Q&A 6:00pm (SGT) / 11:00am (CET): End of event

Date: 05 Dec 2023, Tuesday
Time: 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM (GMT +8:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
Location: Online
Speaker's Profile:
Henrik Sulsbrück, Head of Division CCUS, Danish Energy Agency (DEA)
The DEA is responsible for rolling out regulation and initiatives to achieve the ambitious Danish climate target of 70% CO2 reduction in 2030. Henrik Sulsbrück, can, as Head of Division, discuss overall roadmap of initiatives, initiated CO2 capture and storage tenders, allocation of CO2 storage licenses and awarding of contracts.
Speaker's Profile:
Michael Stie Laugesen, Program Manager, CO2Vision
CO2Vision is North Denmark’s joint beacon of green growth in the entire region. Through CO2Vision, North Denmark aim at becoming a regional frontrunner for CCUS – carbon capture, utilization, and storage. As program manager for CO2Vision Michael Stie Laugesen can tell about initiate and support local initiatives to reduce CO2 emission.
Moderator's Profile:
Assar Qureshi, Director of Asia , Invest in Denmark
Invest in Denmark is the national investment agency of Denmark. IDK supports foreign investors in setting up or expanding business in Denmark. IDK matches foreign companies with business, investment and innovation opportunities with Danish strongholds.