1520848800 Global Blockchain Competition: Scouting Cutting Edge Blockchain Solutions | SGInnovate
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Global Blockchain Competition: Scouting Cutting Edge Blockchain Solutions


Mar 12 2018, Monday08:00 AM - 06:00 PM Singapore


32 Carpenter Street , Singapore

, Singapore

, 059911


Building on three years of successful consecutive competitions, True Global Ventures is excited to announce the 3rd Global Blockchain Competition, to be held in Singapore on 12 March 2018.

We identify future Blockchain trends and help bring the industry together. For this particular competition, True Global Ventures is looking for the most driven start-ups in the Blockchain space in the categories of:

  • Infrastructure
  • Financial Services
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Entertainment (Gaming, Media)
  • "Nikola Tesla Innovation" Open Category

Attendance is by invitation only.

For further information on how to apply please reach out to Kai Robert Loffler at kai.loffler@trueglobalventures.com or refer to the Competition website at www.globalblockchaincompetition.com.
