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Green Technology in the Digital Economy for Leaders


Aug 15 2024, Thursday - Aug 16 2024, FridaySee Schedule below for times (GMT +8:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore





This course introduces participants to Climate Change and Corporate Carbon Management, the related policy, standards and guidelines. Participants will learn about Green House Gas (GHG) emissions, its accounting methodologies, new technologies to reduce GHG, quantification of Scope 1, 2, 3 emissions, and become familiar with international reporting trends, engaging with stakeholders, and extending the value chain.

Course Description & Learning Outcomes

The course provides the participant with the knowledge and skills on:

  • Overview of sustainability terms and their interpretation

  • Urgency for rethinking current business models in the context of technology

  • What is Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sustainability and how can it be achieved

  • Worldwide regulations & upcoming standards

  • Industry examples at scale and new niche technologies

  • Green computing & efficient coding

  • Data centre design, software deployment optimisation, power management

  • How to reduce the environmental effect of your Information Technology (IT) operations

  • Reducing your own technology carbon footprint

Supporting Image


Start Date: 15 Aug 2024, Thursday
End Date: 16 Aug 2024, Friday

Location: Online


Course Pricing