This is an intermediate 3-day course that equips participants with the necessary knowledge, techniques and skills to successfully deliver the desired value and business outcomes for business analytics projects. Participants will learn how to make use of data analysis, explanatory and predictive models, and fact-based management to drive decisions and actions in a scalable and sustainable manner.
Course Description & Learning Outcomes
This course brings together the best practices from 3 fundamental disciplines of product management, agile, and data analytics to teach the crucial skills required in effectively managing analytics projects. This course is part of the Data Science, Digital Products & Platforms and Graduate Certificate in Analytics Project Management series offered by NUS-ISS. On completion of the course, the participants would be able to: - Understand the unique nature and challenges of building and managing business analytics products. - Identify and articulate the value your customer gets from using your analytics product. - Learn how to validate the analytics product roadmap in order to develop the required analytics feature set through iterative releases. - At the project level, adopt incremental delivery of value and customer satisfaction through continual product construction, transition, rollout and maintenance iterations.
Recommended Prerequisites
Participants are expected to have some understanding or prior involvement in either product management, agile project management, or data science. Previous experience with a data analytics project or participation in a Data Science course would provide good foundation before taking this programme.
Pre-course instructions
No printed copies of course materials are issued. Participants must bring their internet-enabled laptops with power charger to access and download course materials. Registration close date: 06/11/2023
Date: 27 Nov 2023, Monday
Time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM (GMT +8:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
Location: NUS-ISS, 25 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, 119615