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[Oct Run] Data Analytics for Managers


Oct 11 2023, Wednesday - Oct 12 2023, ThursdaySee Schedule below for times (GMT +8:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore


Physical, Singapore Management University



Data analytics have been touted as the most important technology which will bring organizations to their next frontier.
Many success stories have been shared on how data analytics can help organisations make better decisions, including understanding their customers better, predicting outcomes, understanding public sentiments on social media, and optimising resources to achieve the best results.

Course Description & Learning Outcomes

Managers who are leading their organisations have to play the lead role in shaping the direction and planning the strategies on who, what, when, where and how should data analytics be applied in the different parts of the organisation. The proposed training is designed for managers covering several topics in the Data Analytics area. The training will be conducted by the senior faculty members from the School of Information Systems, who are experts in their respective areas. At the end of the 2-day course, participants will be able to: - Gain a quick overview of data analytics - Understand the solution flow to solve data analytics problems - Acquire data analytics techniques and learn how to use related tools through hands-on sessions - Gain insights into data visualisation, predictive modelling, and optimisation

Pre-course instructions

Registration close date: 02/10/2023


Start Date: 11 Oct 2023, Wednesday
End Date: 12 Oct 2023, Thursday

Weekdays (9am - 5pm)

Location: Physical, Singapore Management University


Course Pricing


Singapore Management University Academy