Sentiment analysis or opinion mining is concerned with extracting opinionated content, and analysing it to provide some clue on how users feel about an issue/thing/service/product, and so on. There are currently many packages in different programming languages (e.g. R, Python) for mining data from social media sites. This makes it easy for anyone (data analysts, executives) to obtain social media data for garnering insights into behaviours and sentiments. The ability to handle and make use of unstructured data would prove useful. This course covers the concepts and tools useful for performing analysis on social media data such as tweets and reviews. Participants will be able to perform text analytics, sentiment analysis, as well as social network analysis.
Course Description & Learning Outcomes
The course will equip learners with the following competencies:1. provide participants with both the theoretical foundations and coding foundations in sentiment analysis applications2. provide participants with sufficient machine learning foundations to build sentiment analysis models3. equip participants with the skills to mine data from the social media to build useful AI applications for gathering and deriving insights4. cover examples how social media data and sentiment analysis can be used to gather business insights and perform market research

Date: 07 May 2024, Tuesday
Time: 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM (GMT +8:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
Location: 11 Research Link COM 3, #B1-07, 119391