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Service Design


Jan 07 2024, Sunday - Jan 20 2024, SaturdaySee Schedule below for times (GMT +8:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore


NUS-ISS, 25 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, 119615



Innovation is a primary source of competitive advantage in the global marketplace. Service Design leans on concepts and practices in ‘Design Thinking’ to research and develop innovative ideas. The course offers organisations the process, methods, tools and techniques to translate innovation into a reality and discusses the essentials needed to breed an innovation culture in the organisation.

Course Description & Learning Outcomes

This course is part of the Digital Innovation & Design series, Professional Diploma in Smart Health Leadership programme as well as the Graduate Certificate in Designing and Managing Products and Platforms series offered by NUS-ISS. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to: - Understand and apply the central concepts of Design Thinking to innovation projects - Approach service innovation from an outside-in perspective and understand the process for evolving a fuzzy idea into a fully envisioned service concept. - Understand how to conduct user research and synthesize data from multiple sources in order to discover unmet needs and develop ideas. - Understand and use tools such as personas, customer journey mapping, service blueprinting and storytelling to realize service innovation. - Illustrate a new service innovation concept and explain its value proposition and the outcome intended for the customer. - Carry out low fidelity prototyping of a proposed innovation concept to evaluate, adapt and refine the idea.

Pre-course instructions

- No printed copies of course materials are issued. - Participants must bring their internet-enabled computing device (laptops, tablet etc) with power charger to access and download course materials. Registration close date: 16/12/2023


Date: 06 Jan 2024, Saturday
Time: 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM (GMT +8:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
Location: NUS-ISS, 25 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, 119615


Course Pricing

