This is an introductory course to help the non-technical users perform a variety of data analysis in order to derive factual insights and ultimately to gain experience in making evidence-based business decisions.
This 3-day course is an invaluable introduction to data analysis and forms a part of a suite of courses designed to give a thorough grounding in Data Science.
Course Description & Learning Outcomes
Over the course of three days, you will explore multiple statistical concepts and learn how to apply them to business use cases. You will work on cleaning and preparing the data for analysis and generating insights. You will experience the use of data visualisation to find answers to business questions. You will learn how to discover correlations in data and to build simple linear regression models. Finally, you will learn about supervised and unsupervised machine learning techniques. Here you will practice building classification trees to predict customer behavior or condition; and using cluster analysis methods to create customer groupings that would lead to more effective customer management and engagement. All the topics taught will be delivered through a problem-based approach and active discussions that are driven by use of numerous business scenarios. Emphasis is placed on critical thinking, practice skills and practical knowledge with the use of software and tools only as delivery mechanisms. This course is part of the Data Science Series and Graduate Certificate in Analytics Project Management offered by NUS-ISS. At the end of the course, participants will learn: - How statistics is being applied to solve a variety of business problems - How to compute and interpret data summaries- numerically as well as visually - How visual data exploration is used to find answers to business problems - How to present data visually for better understanding of relationships between variables - How to statistically analyze whether there is a relationship between two variables and determine the size of the relationship - How to predict one variable in terms of another to make improvement in business performance - How to perform classification and prediction using decision tree modeling approach - How to cluster data into homogenous subsets to enable focused group-based customer management
Recommended Prerequisites
This course is designed for the non-technical business professional who aspires to gain practice skills and practical knowledge through hands-on experience in using business analytics to solve real life business problems: - Anybody who is just starting to analyse data and need a kick start - Anybody who wants to learn business analytics from the ground up - Anybody who is exploring career opportunities in business analytics - Anybody who is interested to learn how to make data-driven decisions No coding is required in this course.
Pre-course instructions
- No printed copies of course materials are issued. - Participants must bring their internet-enabled computing device (laptops, tablet etc) with power charger to access and download course materials. Registration close date: 30/10/2023
Date: 20 Nov 2023, Monday
Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (GMT +8:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
Location: NUS-ISS, 25 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, 119615
Date: 21 Nov 2023, Tuesday
Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (GMT +8:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
Location: NUS-ISS, 25 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, 119615
Date: 22 Nov 2023, Wednesday
Time: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (GMT +8:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
Location: NUS-ISS, 25 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, 119615