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Tasting Tomorrow with Today's Youth: Student Chapter for Future Food


14 Oct 2024, Monday8:30 AM - 12:30 PM (GMT +8:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore


21 Tampines Avenue 1 Singapore, Auditorium 2, Singapore 529757



Eating meat is not bad, but it is problematic. Conventional industrialised husbandry practices have us raising questions about its “naturalness”, their negative impacts on climate change, increased zoonotic diseases and loss of biodiversity. We are already in the midst of a sixth mass extinction!

With cellular agriculture, you can still eat your meat and have fewer environmental impacts. Feeling curious? Skeptical, maybe? Join us at Temasek Polytechnic, Auditorium 2 on 14 October 2024, 8.30AM-12.30PM (SGT) for a free event to understand the science behind cellular agriculture and taste for yourself, the future of food.

What makes this event unique:

APAC-SCA (Student Chapter) is Singapore's first student society dedicated to fostering a community of students across Asia Pacific who share the view of shaping the future of food through cellular agriculture. Starting in Singapore, our student society will raise awareness and inculcate a preference for cultivated food products among the next generation of consumers.

What to expect:

This short symposium will feature inspiring academia and industry pioneers to share their reasons for working in this field and how cellular agriculture can reduce the pressure on conventional meat production to feed the global population.


The event will be held at Temasek Polytechnic, Auditorium 2 on 14 October 2024, 8.30AM-12.30PM (SGT) and is open to everyone.

Founders of APAC-SCA (Student Chapter):

APAC Society of Cellular Agriculture saw the need to develop a student chapter dedicated to increasing the awareness and preference of cultivated meat and seafood among the next generation of consumers. The partnership with Temasek Polytechnic naturally occurred with its industry-centric initiatives like the Future Foods Domain and bright students at the School of Applied Sciences.

Are you looking to join us?

Hi there! You must be a student in Singapore interested in future foods! Join our network and be connected with like-minded peers.

Hi there! If you are an academic or industry partner in the field of cellular agriculture, join us here to tap into the student network.

Have a question for us? 

Visit our website at www.cellagstudent.com for more information or let us know.

Supporting Image


Date: 14 Oct 2024, Monday
Time: 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM (GMT +8:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
Location: 21 Tampines Avenue 1 Singapore, Auditorium 2, Singapore 529757


Speaker's Profile:

Ms Gan Siow Huang, Minister of State, Ministry of Education & Ministry of Manpower, Member of Parliament
Ms Gan Siow Huang

Minister of State for Education, Ms Gan Siow Huang is the Guest of Honour for APAC-SCA (Student Chapter) inaugural event. She will deliver an opening speech to commemorate the founding of the student chapter.

Speaker's Profile:

Dr. Rufaihah Abdul Jalil, Domain Chair of Future Foods and Senior Lecturer, Temasek Polytechnic
Dr. Rufaihah Abdul Jalil

Dr. Rufaihah Abdul Jalil will share her perspective around the importance of student engagement in the cellular agriculture industry.

Speaker's Profile:

Mr. Arin Naidu, Scitech Engagement Specialist, Good Food Institute Asia Pacific
Mr. Arin Naidu

Arin leads GFI APAC’s efforts to expand the community and scientific talent pool in Asia’s alternative protein sector. Combining his passion for science, education, and visual communication, Arin builds effective resources and pathways for those who want to enter and grow in this emerging industry. Prior to joining GFI, Arin worked in biomaterial startups for over four years, developing scaled-up products, patents, and publications with applications in alternative plastics, textiles, and food. Arin holds a master’s degree in biomedical engineering from Tufts University.

Speaker's Profile:

Dr. James Lim, Lecturer at the Future Foods Domain, Temasek Polytechnic
Dr. James Lim

Dr. James is a Lecturer at Temasek Polytechnic who also does research in the Future Foods Domain (FFD) at the School of Applied Science (ASC). He has a strong background in aquaculture, molecular omics, and bioprocess design in cellular aquaculture, focusing on enhancing the efficiency of fish cell growth in bioreactors. Less than three years in TP, he has obtained TP grants that garnered ~S$250k research funding as a Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-PI, collaborating with cellular aquaculture industry partners such as Umami Bioworks and Fisheroo to develop innovative solutions in the cultivated meat space. He is one of the current advisors for the APAC Society for Cellular Agriculture (Student Chapter). He has been teaching various aquaculture-, marine science, and sustainability-related courses, coordinating project-based modules to both youth and adult learners.

Speaker's Profile:

Dr. Jay Jee, Founder and Chief Technology Officer, DaNAgreen
Dr. Jay Jee

Dr. Jay Jee is the founder and Chief Technology Officer of Danagreen Co Ltd, a startup that focuses on cultivated meat and has offices in both Korea and Singapore. His company utilises the proprietary scaffold technology, which was originally developed for making mini organs for biomedical purposes.

Speaker's Profile:

Assc. Prof. Dr. Tan Lay Poh, Associate Chair of School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University
Assc. Prof. Dr. Tan Lay Poh

A/Prof Tan Lay Poh is the Associate Chair (Academic) of the School of Materials Science and Engineering, NTU, Singapore. Her training is on Polymer Engineering and has been working on biodegradable polymers and biopolymers for the past decade. She has published extensively in the top journals of biomaterials and tissue engineering. Her research group works on developing engineering platforms to investigate cell-material interactions that eventually provided insight to develop 3D scaffolds and cell culture platforms for soft tissue engineering. The lab focuses significantly on platforms that modulate cellular and focal adhesions spatial control, including shape and cluster size; which consequently drives cellular behavior such as differentiation, migration, phenotypic maintenance etc. With these insights, various 3D scaffolds that mimic ECM physical properties were developed.

Speaker's Profile:

Ms. Carrie Chan, Chief Executive Officer, Avant
Ms. Carrie Chan

Carrie is a seasoned business executive with a passion for the environment, particularly the impact of our food supply on the planet. Avant’s technology offers a system to produce nutritious, tasty fish and functional proteins directly using cell cultivation technology at economically viable costs.

Speaker's Profile:

Mr Peter Yu, Program Director, APAC Society for Cellular Agriculture
Mr Peter Yu

Peter Yu is the Program Director at the APAC Society for Cellular Agriculture – an association and coalition of 10+ cultivated meat and seafood companies across the APAC region. Through the society, Peter works as a drive-force to both promote the industry as well as to encourage the establishment efficient and transparent regulations and policies. Peter is actively engaging towards creating a harmonised cultivated food industry, and have experience in driving various of industry moving projects across the globe. Peter is the Co-chair of the Enterprise Singapore Pro-term committee for setting Novel food standards, and has been a convener for the first MoU regarding regional Nomenclature alignment in Asia. Moreover, Peter was appointed as a technical expert to FAO/WHO on safety guidelines for the industry. Peter holds triple Masters’ degrees (MBA + Bioengineering + Laws).


APAC Society for Cellular AgricultureTemasek Polytechnic