AIDA Technologies
Machine Learning for insurance smart-claims, banking, digital smart-lending and managing risk/compliance
AIDA’s Artificial Intelligence-driven analytics provide high-precision customisable solutions that address the key challenges of automation and knowledge work, by augmenting the ability of human experts to make decisions when confronted by huge amounts of heterogeneous information from diverse sources. With a focus on risk and compliance analytics in the banking and insurance sector, AIDA’s innovative solutions enable risk and compliance management to take on a new dimension of being predictive and preventive, rather than simply detecting events that have occurred. AiDA's technology platform, with its suite of algorithms for unsupervised Machine Learning, delivers intelligent systems that can watch over and help risk and compliance managers see change as they emerge.

Dr Tan Geok Leng, CEO Dr Tan was previously the Executive Director of Singapore’s largest Infocomm Research Institute, the Institute for Infocomm Research at A*STAR.

Dr Shonali Krishnaswamy, CTO She was previously the Head of Data Analytics at the Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR, Singapore. With over 15 years of experience in leading research in data science and intelligent systems.

Dr Andrew Ang, COO He was previously the Director of the Industry Development Group at A*STAR, with more than 20 years of experience overseeing companies spanning from startups to MNCs.